username: @cielpeachy
password: ***********


-18, radfem, anti proshipp or antifujoshi, dislikes nsfw content, ANTI SEBACIEL, problematizes fictional content.

★ stan ¡!

tojigumi, sukufushi & gojoita • SEBACIEL & VINCIEL • bakudeku & todocest • ereri • kaeluc & zhongxiao • kakasasu • noyahina & miyacest

## LUKE !! · ✰’

he/him · they/them, nineteen, proshipper, intj, pt/eng/it, shotacon and genshin player.


i rt/qrt fanarts and nsfw arts, i'm stan of contestable characters & shotacon. i talk a lot about dadson & incest. i'll probably forget to put tw or cw, but my posts may have incest, dubcon/noncon, age gap, abo, possible mention of suicide, blood or death, a lot of shitty kinks (rlly) and a lot more of problematic contents.

D F !!

-18, radfem, invalida neopronomes, anti de qualquer shipper ou anti proshipper/fujoshi, ANTI SEBACIEL, não gosta de conteúdo nsfw ou problematiza conteúdo ficcional.

★ stan ¡!

tojigumi, sukufushi & gojoita • SEBACIEL & VINCIEL • bakudeku & todocest • ereri • kaeluc & zhongxiao • kakasasu • noyahina & miyacest

## LUKE !! · ✰’

ele/dele, dezenove, proshipper, intj, pt/eng/it, shotacon e genshin player.

B F Y !!

dou rt/qrt em fanarts e artes nsfw, falo muito palavrão, sou stan de personagens contestáveis e gosto de shotacon, provavelmente esquecerei de colocar tw ou cw e indicadores de tom, mas minhas postagens têm nsfw, shotacon, incesto, dubcon/noncon, age gap, abo, possível menção de suicídio, sangue ou morte, e uma caralhada de conteúdo problemático.